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orangThe DuMond Conservancy has always taken pride in its ability to inspire our young people, who perform volunteer work with our Owl Monkeys or study the primates at Monkey Jungle, to become engaged in conservation and sustainability efforts.  Over the years students have become passionate over such conservation issues as  • Deforestation  in Sumatra due to the spread of the palm oil industry, which has devastated the Orangutan population   • the Bushmeat crisis in Africa  • the Trafficking (illegal trade) of primates in South America. We engage in efforts in habitat counties where nonhuman primates live through partnerships with grass-roots NGOs (non-governmental organizations). See for example the organization Entropika based in Leticia, Colombia (under our Links page) .

The majority of our youth and community oriented programs entail conservation engagement. Every year our young staff members and volunteers develop and host an annual community festival, with a different conservation oriented theme each year. The Conservancy also develops educational exhibits and program areas at Monkey Jungle to engage the visiting public and support our youth and community initiatives.

Check out our Conservation and Events Blogs for conservation related entries. See also the following project tabs: Conservation>Primate, Podcasts & Preservation and Education>Snails & Trails

Dr. Sian Evans, the Conservancy’s Managing Director, teaches a Great Ape Conservation course at Florida International University and serves as the facilitator for the FIU student led group Students for Great Ape Conservation (see our Links page).

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