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Presentations fghfgh lskaudfhkljasdhf ask skldf hlksdja fhjasdh fljs dhfljk sdhdlf sl f skdhf lksdj flk jsdhfkljsd hfjklsda fhjkls  sdk fhsdkj f klsdj hflkjsd lsjk ljksd flkjsdf kjsd jkjsd hdksdj ksdj kjsd fkj sd hfkjsd kjsd fkjs ahdafjkjs ddjklsdh fkljs ddfkljsdhf...


Publications Babb, P. L., Fernandez-Duque, E., Baiduc, C., Gagneux, P., Evans, S. and Schurr, T.G., 2011; mtDNA Diversity in Azara’s Owl Monkeys of the Argentinean Chaco American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 146: 209-224 Wolovich, C.K. Evans, S. and Green, S.M.,...


Alumni “…an entire generation of young primatologists received their basic training at Monkey Jungle.  The list of alumni is impressive.” Douglas Candland, Ph.D. Homer P. Rainey Professor of Psychology and Behavior Bucknell University Investigators who conducted...


Conservation The DuMond Conservancy has always taken pride in its ability to inspire our young people, who perform volunteer work with our Owl Monkeys or study the primates at Monkey Jungle, to become engaged in conservation and sustainability efforts.  Over the years...